Smart Home is our passion

We test the most popular smart home devices in the UK for you

The selection of different smart home devices and applications is growing all the time. It’s not easy to keep track and make the right purchase decision.

Our goal is to test the best and most popular smart home devices in the UK for you and advise you honestly and objectively, so you can make the best purchase decision.

Our favourites at one glance

Advantages of Smart Home

More time for the beautiful things in life

We all are familiar with that feeling: you've had a hard day, you finally come home and all you want to do is lie down on the couch - but the flat won't vacuum itself.

The solution: a smart robot vacuum cleaner that cleans the flat on its own so you don’t have to lift a finger!

There are countless examples like this.

Smart devices make your life easier and ensure that you have more time for your family, your hobbies and the good things in life.


Your smart home devices can be your eyes and ears to help you feel safe and relaxed, because highly advanced technologies are built into the devices.

With the help of their sensors, the smart devices notice what’s going on and can react to the environment independently.

This makes your smart home smarter and safer!

Connected home

Imagine you get up in the morning and go to the bathroom.

It’s already brightly lit and has the perfect room temperature. Alexa reads you the morning news while you brush your teeth.

In the meantime, the blinds go up by themselves and the coffee machine prepares fresh coffee for you.

What do you think about a morning like that? It’s the perfect start into your day!

The devices in your smart home are connected to each other via internet. With the goal to make your life more pleasant, more comfortable, and safer.

5 Reasons to buy smart home devices online

#1. It’s much easier and more convenient

The internet makes dreams come true. You can choose your favourite device while relaxing on your couch and order it in no time.

During the checkout process, you can choose from many different payment options such as Paypal, credit card or "purchase on account".

Delivery takes place within a few days. Then you can test your smart device live and in colour at home.

No crowded shops, no queues at the checkout, no hustle and bustle, no jostling. That's how shopping can be fun.

#2. Better advice

The selection of smart home devices is growing all the time. It’s not easy to keep track of them, and there’s nothing more annoying than an impulsive purchase decision based on bad advice.

That really doesn't have to be the case. This is where we come in!

We have put countless hours of work into detailed tests and created a lot of reports, pictures and videos for you.

All with the aim of giving you the best possible advice and guiding you in your purchase decision.

#3. Wider selection

I am sure you have experienced this before:

You have finally chosen the perfect device for you. Full of anticipation, you make your way to the city centre. After a long search for a parking space, you finally reach the electronics store ...

... But the device is sold out!

Disappointments like this don't have to happen. The internet offers a lot of wonderful shopping opportunities.

24/7, always available and the best part is: the selection is huge! Especially on Amazon UK you can find a wide selection of products from high quality brands

#4. Better Price-Performance Ratios

You may think that you have to dig deep into your pocket for a good Smart Home product.

That doesn't necessarily have to be the case. The solution is to buy Smart Home products online.

Due to much lower costs, you will find significantly lower prices on the internet than in local stores.

Another tip: Take advantage of numerous online offers, discounts and vouchers. This way you can save up to 40% compared to the prices in shops.

#5. Customer service and easy online communication

Incompetent advice, overworked staff and complicated return processes. Unfortunately, these unpleasant experiences are part of everyday life in the shops.

Online, you can get help much easier and faster. Customer wishes are the online shop’s command.

Do you have questions? Take advantage of the quick and uncomplicated competent advice via chat. Do you want to return a product? Simply give your package to the friendly courier.

Customer service can be that easy and uncomplicated.

How we test products

#1. Research and analysis

We are observing the UK market very closely. What are the latest trends? What are our customers’ and users’ concerns?

This is how we choose which product to test next.

#2. Product procurement

In the second step, we find out where we can get the product from.

To do this, we ask the manufacturer for a test device or buy the product ourselves. No matter where we get our devices from: Our tests remain 100% unbiased and neutral!

#3. Test

Then the tests take place. Our team has defined objective test scenarios for each product. This way, related product groups are tested in the same way.

This ensures the necessary objectivity and comparability of all reports.

#4. Recommendations

Last but not least, we use the collected data and findings from our tests and make a recommendation for whom the product is suitable.

About us

We are a team of enthusiastic smart home fans.

Our mission is to find the best smart home products for you and to support you in your individual purchase decision.

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Contact us, we look forward to hearing from you!

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